“In the middle of the journey of our life, I found myself within a dark woods where the straight way was lost” ~ Dante Alighieri, Inferno

Dear Friend~

I wanted to give you a gift.  Perhaps a little book.  A little book that would support you during this challenging time.  I wasn’t looking for a ‘how to’ book.  I didn’t want a ‘shelf help’ book.  I wouldn’t want a ‘what you need to know about the law’ legal jargon book.  I especially didn’t want a ‘what happens, should happen, and never happens’ book.  I simply wanted a little book.  One that wouldn’t take much time, one that would give you core wisdom to lift your spirits, remind you that you are not alone, and guide you back to yourself and to what’s possible.  A little book that will serve you in creating your own way up this mountain called your divorce.

I couldn’t find one.  So, I took the time to create one myself but not by myself.  My true love and beloved husband helped me along the way.  By my side, he loved, sourced, inspired and supported me in getting my best out on paper.  In doing so, he also took upon himself all the rest, that which wasn’t my best.  The magnitude of what this entailed and the healing it provided to me cannot be capture in words.  I will never be able to fully express my appreciation for his part in this book.  Without him, I know now I wouldn’t have had the strength or ability to retrace my own mountain solo, let alone return safely and intact.

This journey back was the only way to fully glean the wisdom contained in this book.  It required me to once again painfully face dreams that once were, unchangeable miss-steps and their resulting casualties, and the malicious betrayals of those once loved so dearly.  These are best left in the past if not for a greater purpose to save others from similar, unnecessary heartbreak.

Together, side by side, we make this journey to serve those of you who will read this book and find hope, strength and courage.  To voice the truth in 12 myths from my own and others’ similar experiences, from my gifts of observation and tools as a professional life coach, and from my love for all who are courageously willing to dare to keep climbing and to reach the top.  The book is for all kindred spirits who climb similar mountaintops long after my footprints have faded from my own.

Here it is; the little book that may help and guide you in the meantime.  Please read it from the love and support of someone who did her best to fairly create, endure and complete her own steep mountain and reached the top.  Mount Everest would have been easier it seems.  I know first hand how difficult it may be.  There is no map.  What may be the right trail for someone else may not be the right one for you.  What others think is in your best interest may not be what you know in your heart to be in yours.  It can feel very isolating and overwhelming trying to find your own voice in the noise of everyone else’s.

You can do it.  Take heart and keep faith!  This is our gift to you.  May these following meantime myths and prudent principles serve you as a guide, as a North Star, as a compass on your mountain until you reach the top.

“Whoever cannot seek the unforeseen sees nothing for the known way is an impasse.” ~ Heraclitus 475 B.C.



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